Case Study:

GuideMe improved Hatch’s user adoption for their SAP C4C System

Customer story

Hatch is passionately committed to the pursuit of a better world through positive change. We embrace your visions as our own and partner with you to develop better ideas that are smarter, more efficient, and innovative. Our global network of 9,000 professionals work on the world’s toughest challenges. Hatch works closely with the communities in which they serve to ensure that their solutions optimize environmental protection, economic prosperity, and cultural vibrancy. 


  • Overlay WalkMe on SAP Plaform 

  • Reduce the complexity and processes on the SAP Platform

  • Improve new user onboarding and ongoing skill maintenance


GuideMe Solutions successfully implemented WalkMe Digital Adoption platform overlay on Hatch’s SAP C4C system. 

To make sure that Hatch maximizes their SAP C4C system, we delivered training and enablement to ensure Hatch’s internal team could build additional quality content to provide ongoing value from the solution.


Civil Engineering


Host Platform:
SAP C4C system

Key Processes:

  • Training and Enablement

  • Create shoutouts for all users

  • Create Walkthrough/Demo video for all users

Working with Jon and the team from GuideMe has been an absolute pleasure. Jon has been patient and helpful every step of the way as we implemented WalkMe. He has taken the time to understand our needs and acted as a partner on our journey as we introduce WalkMe into our CRM landscape.

We look forward to having Jon and the GuideMe team there as we continue on this journey.

— Kendal Evans, TCM Lead