Information for investors

We empower employees to get their jobs done, and customers to have a seamless user experience.

We’ve helped many of the world’s biggest brands reduce training and support costs; increase new feature adoption; and improve applications budget ROI with the market leading WalkMe Digital Adoption Platform.


platforms supported


hours saved


solutions deployed


clients satisfied

Why invest in GuideMe?

The Problem

Thriving in the post-COVID era through digital transformation

As organizations rapidly adopt new technologies, leaders often neglect the needs of employees who struggle to adapt. Over 75% of executives recognize the challenges in scaling digital adoption across their organizations, leading to considerable costs.

“Poor digital adoption is costing the global economy an eye-watering $3.7 trillion per year.”

The Product

Bridging the gap between technology and users with WalkMe

WalkMe offers integrated, on-screen guidance tailored to each user, functioning like a virtual GPS system. It provides personalized instructions at the user's pace, leading to more confident and engaged employees, increased efficiency, reduced training expenses, and enhanced ROI for digital transformation investments.

“Most companies take less than 3 months to see a return on their WalkMe software investment, with the average ROI an impressive 368%.”

The Solution

Maximizing ROI through seamless system adoption and user experiences

GuideMe Solutions assists organizations in maximizing the potential of WalkMe's digital adoption platform by offering tailored solutions that save time and resources. We address each business's unique needs and objectives, ensuring a successful and enjoyable digital adoption journey with our expert knowledge and comprehensive WalkMe expertise.

The Opportunity

Triple-digit growth & a world-class team in digital adoption

We prioritize innovation, high-quality delivery, financial growth, and market share expansion. GuideMe Solutions is seeking partners who share our vision and ambition. Invest in GuideMe today and contribute to the realization of our digital adoption aspirations.

“A global digital adoption consultancy, GuideMe has delivered more successful projects than any other WalkMe partner worldwide.”

Investor contact


Phone: +61 402 906 393